B2B Content Marketing Strategy Tips

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When it comes to creating a B2B content marketing strategy, it helps to know where things stand before you proceed adding to it. Too often, businesses forge ahead creating a strategy without thinking about what content is already there! Without realizing it, it’s easy for the content to bias in a certain direction. For example, once content starts getting creating on a certain topic, it is all too easy to continue creating on that topic without realizing that this doesn’t necessarily serve you.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when creating a B2B content marketing strategy:

Perform a Content Audit

The whole process should start with a content audit, unless the business is new and hasn’t had a content marketing strategy in place. Most businesses, however, don’t fall into this category. When businesses come to us, chances are pretty good that they already have content in the form of static website pages and even a blog that is filled with articles.

You have to know where you’re starting so that you can know how to proceed. A good content audit will do things like

  • Gain insights into your existing audience.
  • Pull data related to your content.
  • Determine your sales cycle.
  • Figure out how well your content is performing its job.

Once you have these insights in place, the way forward concerning your content becomes a lot more clear.

Understand Your Business Goals

In order to really proceed with creating an effective content strategy, you need to determine what your business goals really are. What are the objectives of the year? You can’t just formulate a content marketing strategy without knowing what the overall objective is. You need to know what the goals are in order to do that.

For example, if your business wants to drive more leads, you will have to choose topics that will connect your audience with that objective. The same is true for if your content is designed to help establish your business’s brand, etc. The nature of the topics chosen will differ depending on the goal.

Get to Know Your Sales Cycle

Knowing the goals isn’t enough, you need to understand your sales cycle, as well. The reason for this is that a good content marketing strategy will have content that connects to each phase of this cycle. One of the major holes B2Bs face is that they tend to create content leaning heavily to one or two different phases of the cycle. You need content for all of them if your content marketing efforts are going to thrive.

For example, content designed for the awareness phase will introduce your business and products to the customers. Content needed for the later phases of the cycle will look a lot different than that. Buyers in this phase tend to need more details and answers to their questions and objections if they are going to take action.

As you can see, there’s a lot more that goes into creating a B2B content marketing strategy than you may realize. It’s important to keep all these points in mind!