Why Marketing Audits Matter for B2B Growth

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When it comes to B2B marketing, there’s a lot that goes into it. Most businesses that we work with have existing marketing plans in place. In fact, many have been doing the same, or similar things, as they have for years. Yet, there comes a time in every B2Bs existence where it is clear that more growth is needed. Businesses want to grow and scale. Yet, it can be difficult to know what to do in order to facilitate this growth.

Well, marketing can certainly play its part in helping the business grow, but the caveat is that something needs to change. This is where a marketing audit comes in. Here’s more information on why marketing audits matter for B2B growth.

Discover Where Things Stand

You can’t grow and scale your business via your marketing unless you truly understand where things stand with your existing marketing stands. In other words, you need to do analysis so that you can look at the state of your marketing, and your results, in an honest way. You can’t know what you need to change or where you need to go unless you have a clear understanding of its starting point.

On the flip side, if you skip this step, you won’t know where things stand. In turn, you won’t know what you need to do in order to improve the marketing in a way that will foster B2B growth. This is just the beginning step, but it’s an important one.

Identify Inefficiencies to Improve Upon

On the surface, it may look as if this is the same thing as “knowing where things stand”, but this benefit of a marketing audit is even deeper than simply knowing what is going on. In the above step, you are simply looking at data to discover what your performance numbers are. In this stage, you are taking an even deeper dive into the numbers so that you can uncover holes and inefficiencies.

How do you do this? Well, the numbers don’t lie. There is a critical thinking aspect of it. For example, if your PPC traffic is high but has a lot conversion rate, and your organic traffic is low comparatively speaking, you’ve just uncovered an inefficiency. You know that in you need to allocate more resources towards SEO so that you don’t need to depend on PPC as heavily, and to also expand your reach into a new audience.

Use Data to Strengthen Relationships with Sales

During the marketing audit, you can also analyze the numbers in order to provide insights as to how sales and marketing can better align. In an ideal world, marketing would generate leads that sales would then turn into sales. The disconnect many companies face is that the two departments are treated as separated entities, which means that marketing’s leads may never get utilized.

You can use the audit process to uncover what the current relationship between the two is like. You can also use the data derived from the marketing audit to determine how to improve the relationship.

If you want to improve your growth, you should consider doing a B2B marketing audit. This is the best way to start things off so you can reach your goals.