Take an Audience First Approach with SEO Content Writing

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When writing content with SEO in mind, it can be tempting to take a keyword-first approach. However, this is the wrong approach because even though keywords can give you clues as to what you should be writing, you aren’t writing to please the search engines. You’re actually writing to satisfy the needs of your audience.

After all, your audience are those who will be using the search engines to perform those queries that will eventually connect them to your website. Here are some things to keep in mind that will help you put your audience first when it comes to writing content for SEO:

Learn What Your Audience Wants to Know

It’s true that the search engines are a vital part of people’s experiences online. The same is true for your audience. You want to make your business known to others as a customer, right? So, the first step is considering what your customers are looking for. Is it product information, information via an article or a video, or is it something else? You need to establish what your target customer wants and create content that fulfills their needs accordingly.

You also want to learn to look at things from their point of view. All their needs on your website need to be met. So from your customers’ point of view, you need to think about what type of information they might be looking for. Try thinking about your customers’ questions when visiting a particular site. Map out all the ways a customer may use to get to your website, and them make sure their needs are fulfilled by your content.

Monitor Your Competitive Environment

In order to make sure that your content is serving your audience, it can help to monitor your competitors. How are they fulfilling the needs of your audience? You don’t want to necessarily copy what they are doing because they may be making a ton of mistakes, but it is helpful to see what their approach is because it could show you what your audience is looking for when it comes to content.

So, how can this help you? Take a look at the types of information they are delivering to their audience on their website. You don’t want to copy them, but taking a look at what they are doing can give you vital clues about what your audience expects.

Create a Schedule and Stick to It

When it comes to creating content for SEO that puts the needs of your audience before all else, you need to be consistent. One of the biggest disappointments to your audience will be if you don’t post regularly enough. If they stumble on your content and like it, they will often return to see what else you have written.

If you don’t post new content often enough, they will lose interesting quickly and ultimately forget about your business. This means that you use lost their business. In order to keep them happy, you need to create a schedule and stick with it.

Developing an audience-first mindset is essential when writing content. When you do that, the search engines will be more likely to prioritize your website when returning search results, thus enabling you to better connect with your audience.