Put Your Audience First with Digital Marketing

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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While the point of digital marketing may be to find your ideal customers in the visitor space, it is too easy to get too caught up in that idea. When this happens, businesses have a tendency on focusing too much on themselves. They believe that what their audience needs is a ton of information about them. While that is true to some extent, there is a fine line here. While customers do want to get to know you, they also want to feel as if they are the priority, not you.

In other words, companies should be putting their audience first, not the other way around. When this happens, it will enable you to better connect with them. Here’s some insights that will help you do just that:

Consider Your Ideal Customer

Before you get started attracting you audience and putting them first, you need to nail down who your ideal customer is. Who is most likely to use your product or service? You should also know that you may have more than one type of customer that you want to attract. The clearer you are about who your customers are, the easier it will be to create content that serves them.

Your ideal customer is a model for the kind of person that your business is truly built for. Although no client will perfectly match this ideal profile, you should still draw up a list of qualities that are generally associated with the kind of customer that you want to attract. Update this list as your business grows to make sure you’re reaching the right kind of consumer.

Know Your Current Audience

It is possible that you may have already gotten started with digital marketing. In that case, you may already have data as to who your current audience is. As you create a digital marketing strategy that best serves your audience, you need to have an idea of where you are starting.

For example, most social media platforms will let you view a demographic breakdown of the people who interact with your brand. This lets you see who is currently engaging with your posts and compare that data with the ideal audience that you want to serve.

Know Your Target Audience

Ideally, your current audience and your ideal customer shouldn’t be too far apart. If you notice that the two demographics are entirely different, you should consider whether you need to update your ideal customer profile. Any strong audience base is worth appealing to; if they’re big enough, you may want to update part of your business model. Somewhere between your ideal customer and your current audience is the target audience that you need to reach.

Target audiences change based on the campaign you’re running and the platform you’re working on. Although the tools and methods used for research are certain to change and develop with time, the basic concept of an ideal customer remains the same. Know who you want to work with, and use your marketing to make your message clear; if you do it right, your audience will find you.