Definition of a Keyword Phrase

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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A keyword phrase is two or more words used in search engine optimization (SEO). An example of a search someone might do using a keyword phrase is: “teal running shoes.” A keyword search, in comparison, is usually only one word (sometimes two) and may read as “shoes.” Advertisers can use keyword phrases to attract a broader audience. By using keyword phrases, and variations of them, advertisers are aiming to get more hits. Users who search those keyword phrases will be taken to exactly what they are looking for.

If you own a business, keyword phrases are important because you will want to come up as one of the top results in search engines. By appearing as a top result, your website has the potential to get more hits and increase the conversion rate.

How do you decide which keyword phrases to use? A good tip when deciding what keyword phrases to use is to pretend you are the searcher. If your website, product, or service, is about how to start a small business, just a few of the keyword phrase possibilities of searches can include:

• “how to start a small business”
• “guide to starting a small business”
• “tips for starting a small business”

If you need more ideas, you can type a keyword phrase into Google or another search engine to see what other search results pop up. There are some keyword phrases that are competitive and therefore harder to rank for, so you might want to use keyword phrases that are very relevant, but low in competition. To find out how keyword phrases rank, you can use an analyzer online. Google Ads Keyword Planner is one of these tools. When using one, you will see the metrics displayed for each keyword phrase.

Once you’ve come up with a list of keyword phrases you want to use, you will want to place them into your website content. Don’t stuff your content with keyword phrases, but place them in spots where they would naturally go. If you use the same words over and over, this becomes obvious to your visitors. Google also penalizes content that is caught keyword stuffing. You can use your keyword phrases as blog post titles and even the title of your web page when appropriate.

Remember to use everyday language that the majority of people are likely to type into the search engine rather than complicated ones that are less often used. Don’t forget to use descriptive words. If you are selling a product with specific colors, include them. If you only sell certain sizes, include those as well. This will help people who are looking for a specific item to find them. Someone looking for a golf shirt in yellow in extra-large will type in something like “extra large golf shirt in yellow.” If you sell this item, chances are your site will be close to the top of the results.

Keyword phrases are a part of your website’s SEO strategy, but as you’ve learned, an important one.

Keyword Phrase Definition Sources:

Source #1

Source #2


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